ReBoot, the first CGI animated cartoon series on television was produced by Mainframe Entertainment. The story is set inside a computer system called the city of Mainframe.
The first and second seasons focus on its Guardian hero, Bob, along with his closest friends, Dot and Enzo Matrix.
Together they protect the city from falling Game Cubes, which are uploaded games that force people trapped inside to play against The User and fight for their lives.
Most of the time, Bob’s party makes sure that Mainframe is kept safe from two evil viruses named Megabyte and Hexadecimal.
Near the end of Season 2, Bob’s team forms an alliance with Megabyte and Hex in order to prevent a portal to the Web from destroying Mainframe. Before it closes, Megabyte betrays Bob by launching him into the Web.
The 3rd Season is a lot darker and serious compared to the first one. Enzo tries to fill Bob’s shoes; however he is still too young to be a real Guardian.
After losing to a Game, Enzo and his friends, AndrAla and Frisket are forced to ride the Game Cube away from Mainframe.
Traveling from game to game, Enzo and AndrAla age rapidly into adults. Ashamed of failing his home city, Enzo goes by his first name and becomes a renegade searching for Bob in the Web.
Once they are reunited with Bob, the gang finally makes it to Mainframe, which is under Megabyte’s dictatorship.
Together, Matrix and Bob defeat Megabyte and reboot the city back to normal.
A happy ending for our heroes? Still not over, a season four was made and divided into two mini-movies.
The first one is about a new super virus named Daemon who almost wins, but thanks to Hexadecimal’s sacrifice, the entire net is saved.
The second movie involves a mutated Megabyte who returns from the Web with a new power, shape shifting.
Sadly, the season ends on a cliffhanger where Megabyte gains total control of the Principal’s Office and proclaims his last words: “Prepare yourselves for the hunt!”
Thanks to ReBoot fans, Mainframe Entertainment (now called Rainmaker) is planning on releasing a three part film trilogy in theaters. They have already released a brief trailer of it on their website. It is currently not known when it will be come out but hopefully this year.
Here is a link to a fun ReBoot Musical that sums up all the events in Season 3.
All images belong to ReBoot Wiki.
ReBoot belongs to Mainframe/Rainmaker Entertainment.
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