Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Making a Flim

This quarter I am taking a class, Concept Animation with Professor Mooreshead, the head of the Animation Department here at SCAD. In my latest assignment, I had to come up with story ideas for a film. Last class, I had to present my story ideas and get input from my classmates on which was the best film to animate.

One of my film ideas, Calloway Woods was about a little girl who enters the woods and is surrounded by monsters. She is unable to get out and is only protected by a beam of light. My classmates really liked the whole concept; however, Professor Mooreshead thought it was too cliché with the “whole little kid going in the forest and getting lost” routine.

He felt the same way about another idea I had which involved a boy who has an alligator under his bed and keeps him at bay by feeding him potato chips. Once again it didn't work with the “monster in the bedroom” premise.

Afterwards, I decided to stick with a story I had told my professor that he had liked the previous week. It is about a mother and daughter witch. See what you think . . .

Where’s My Present?

  • Outside of a witch’s house in the woods by a cliff, a little witch named Susan is sitting on a stump while holding a drawing of herself flying on a broomstick, eagerly waiting for her mom to get home with her birthday present.
  • In a puff of smoke, her mom returns and Susan runs up to her, excitedly wanting her present.
  • Her mom waves her finger wanting Susan to close her eyes and she put her hands out as the mom places the gift into her hands.
  • Susan opens her eyes and thinks it's a broom but when she looks at the end of it she realizes it's a plunger.
  • Disappointed, Susan tosses the plunger on the floor and sits back on the stump/log to mope.
  • Her mom picks up the plunger and gives it back to Susan wanting her to give it a try but Susan just shoves it on her face.
  • Susan's mom picks her up and brings her to the edge of cliff, takes the plunger off her own face and gives it back to Susan, wanting her to at least give it a try.
  • With no other choice, Susan obeys her mom and as she sits on the plunger she sores through the air. She enjoys riding on it and flies back to her mom, giving her a hug.

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